Research Interest
Graph Theory (graph labelling, algebraic graphs)
2024 :
- Total Edge Irregular Labeling on Some Arthmetic Graphs
- k-Token Graphs of Some Graphs
- Prime Square Order Cayley Graph over Cyclic Group of Particular Valency
- H-Irregularity Strength of Some Particular Cubic Graphs
2023 :
- On Modified Token Graphs
- Total Edge Irregularity of Generalized Geometric Staircase Graphs
- Edge Irregularity Strength of Generalized Staircase Graphs
- Unit Regular Graphs over Rings
- Cayley Graph over Cyclic Group of Two Different Prime Power Order
2022 :
- k-Token graphs of some particular graphs
- Ths of edge comb graphs
- Bipartite graph associated to elements of semigroup and cosets of subsemigroups
- Generalized geometric staircase and the the total edge irregularity strength
- Generalized arithmetic staircase and the the total edge irregularity strength
2019 :
- On the TES of Some Modified Staircase Graphs and Construction of the Labeling
- Pelabelan Edge Odd Graceful Beberapa Produk Kartesian Graf (Edge Odd Graceful on Some Cartesian Product of Graphs: keyword: cartesian product, path, prism graph, antiprism graph, double sun flower graph) (Hibah Penelitian Departemen Matematika FMIPA UGM Tahun 2019 – Tim: Dr. Yeni Susanti, Iwan Ernanto, M.Sc., Dr. Al. Sutjijana, Sufyan Sidiq) – completed
- Penelitian PDD Ristekdikti “Pelabelan-k Tak Reguler Sisi dan Pelabelan Graceful pada Graf Buku” (Tahun kedua, dimulai tahun 2019, Tim : Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, Lucia Ratnasari, M.Si., Dr. Yeni Susanti)
- Cayley Graphs of Cyclic Groups of Prime Squares Order (start in August 2019, in collaboration with Prof. Ahmad Erfanian)
- On total edge irregularity strength of EDGE CORONA product of some graphs (sun graphs, paths, cycles) with paths. Keywords: total edge irregularity strength, edge corona product, sun graphs, paths, cycles. (Start in January 2019)
- Further Properties of Semigroup of n-Ary Operations (start in January 2019, in collaboration with Mara Hidayati, S.Si.) – completed
2018 :
- Pelabelan Edge Odd Graceful Beberapa Kelas Graf (On Some New Edge Odd Graceful Graphs: keyword: double sun flower graphs, winged generalized prism graphs) (Hibah Pemandatan Laboratorium Aljabar – Departemen Matematika FMIPA UGM Tahun 2018)
- Ke-graceful-an Beberapa Kelas Graf (Some New Classes of Graphs Which are Graceful; keyword hourglass graph, fishbone graph, king subgraph) (Hibah Penelitian Dosen Departemen Matematika FMIPA UGM Tahun 2018)
2017 and before
Kekuatan Total Tak Reguler Sisi Beberapa Kelas Graf (Hibah Penelitian Dosen Departemen Matematika FMIPA UGM Tahun 2017)
Semigrup Operasi (Hibah Penelitian Dosen Departemen Matematika FMIPA UGM Tahun 2016)
Relasi Green pada Semigrup yang Diinduksi oleh Semilatis dengan Involusi (Hibah Penelitian Dosen Jurusan Matematika Tahun 2015)
Semigrup yang Diinduksi oleh Semilatis dengan Involusi (Hibah Penelitian Dosen Jurusan Matematika Tahun 2014)
Endomorfisma Semigrup yang Diinduksi oleh Semilatis dengan Involusi (Hibah Penelitian Dosen Jurusan Matematika Tahun 2013)